Uganda is a friendly and safe destination for independent and self-driven travelers. To help you have a worry-free vacation in Uganda, we provide advice on general safety, traffic safety, and crime prevention in our blog.
Safety in Uganda
Embassy reports about travel in developing countries are often overly cautious. It is unfortunate that some incidents in Uganda are emphasized without considering the local context, creating a misleading perception of the actual safety situation.
Both personally and professionally, we have always found Uganda to be a safe place to visit and explore, with welcoming and hospitable people.
Sadly, there have been a few terrorist attacks in western Uganda. These attacks were carried out by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a rebel group based in eastern DRC that takes advantage of conflicts and instability along the Uganda-Rwanda-DRC borders.
While these incidents are tragic, we encourage people to put them into context. Terrorist attacks have also happened in other countries, including those in Europe.
Does this mean people should stop visiting cities like Paris, Brussels, or Prague? Let’s compare Uganda’s safety to that of the United States. Many American cities struggle with armed gang violence, which is not a common occurrence in Uganda.
However, the United States is not considered a dangerous destination, and embassies do not warn against traveling there.
In contrast, embassies may advise against visiting Uganda if an incident occurs near the DRC border.
We hope that people will not let terrorists or exaggerated media reports stop them from traveling to Uganda. Tourism is a major source of income for many people, and it is often one of the first industries to suffer during times of crisis.
Crime in Uganda
When it comes to crime, we advise travelers to be street-smart and use common sense. Remember that you are visiting a country where many people may not have as much money as you do.
To reduce the risk of theft, avoid leaving valuables in your hotel room, leave expensive jewelry like diamond rings at home, and always park your car in a secure place.
While hotel theft is not a major issue, it is always best to take precautions.
Car Safety
For many years, our company has traveled across Uganda. Driving in Uganda can be safe, enjoyable, and rewarding as long as you take your time, watch out for potholes, and avoid driving at night.